Power of the Subconscious mind

Power of the Subconscious mind

Time and again we have wondered on “Who we are?”. We are so caught up with our regular life that we pay more attention to the intellectual capabilities of individuals and work on enhancing those abilities. As that is what is visible. We use our willpower to exercise control on our habits, behaviours and beliefs. However that is possible only for a short duration as eventually our subconscious mind wins over. What lies unnoticed within, is what can create a major shift in our perceptions.

All our past memories, deep rooted fears, beliefs, values, emotions & feelings reside in our subconscious mind. These are what cause a major influence on our behaviours and habits that we display at a conscious level. We may be aware that these habits, behaviours or addictions are not useful for us. However, we are unable to make any long lasting change on them. That is where the subconscious mind plays a major role. To go through the transformation, we need to work on our subconscious mind. Our beliefs and values can be aligned to our goals. The unproductive habits and addictions can be replaced with productive habits that make us a better person. We can learn to manage our emotions as well as release any negative emotions that are attached with our past memories as they create a barrier for our future decisions or choices. These decisions or choices have a major impact on our goals.

Learning techniques to reprogram our subconscious mind will help us believe in ourselves because our confidence will no longer be challenged by fear of the unknown. But more importantly, doing so will train our brain to be in line with our true desires, dreams, and life goals.

We all know we have a subconscious, but for most of us, our knowledge of it ends there. Our subconscious mind is a second, hidden mind that exists within us. It interprets and acts upon the predominating thoughts that reside within our conscious mind, and its goal is to attract circumstances and situations that match the images we have within.

We reap what we sow. The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Our subconscious accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like our conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what we are thinking. As you read this article, what are you THINKING?

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